SRP, Inclusion and SEND
Specialist Resource Provision (SRP)
Bishops Down Primary School and Nursery is a designated mainstream specialist provision for children with Physical Disabilities (PD). Our facilities include carefully designed care suites, a sensory and soft play area, a therapy room and disabled accessibility throughout the school. As an inclusive school, we ensure that all children are catered for within the whole school community, with access to all areas of the curriculum and our Beehive Breakfast, After-School and Holiday Club provision.
It is recognised that many children will experience a time when they may have an additional need during their primary school experience, this may take the form of a learning and/or an emotional need. Depending upon the need a member of the SEND team will assess and provide the necessary support to ensure that the child's needs are being addressed.
Key staff for SEND are:
Mrs Johnson Head teacher and Mrs Lightbody SRP Lead
Mrs Rainbow SENCO and Mrs Shankland SRP Governor
The Kent County Council website provides further information on SRP offers at
Inclusion and Special Educational Needs
Children who experience difficulties in learning are given extra support under the direction of the school's SEND-Co. Learning support assistants work with individuals or small groups of children throughout the school under the guidance of the class teacher. The progress of the children in these groups is carefully monitored and individual targets are written and reviewed termly.
The school keeps a register of children with Special Educational Needs and /or disabilities (SEND). A child is placed on the SEND register if they require individualised support to meet their needs, this is decided in consultation with parents/carers and a letter is sent home to confirm this decision. Once a child is placed on the register their progress will be closely monitored and regular meetings occur with the class teacher and the parents/carers of the child, in these meetings it is discussed whether the child needs to remain on the SEND register or whether further additional support is needed, such as involvement from external agencies. The SEND-Co is available to support throughout this progress.
Please use this link to find out about KCC SEN provision and funding:
Useful Links:
We work with the Essex Outdoor Mersea Learning Centre for our Year 6 Residential. The centre provides a range of activities, from caving to canoeing to sailing and climbing. The centre is fully inclusive for our children, with adapted facilities so that all can take part. The centre also runs holiday camps for families.