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Bishops Down Primary and Nursery School

Bishops Down Primary and Nursery School
  1. News and Dates
  2. Class News
  3. Reception


Stay and Play session, November 2024

I just wanted to make sure I sent a quick email to say thank you so much to Mrs Westell, Mrs Mandia and Miss Monk for the stay and play in reception yesterday afternoon.

Thank you to the whole team.


Our Reception Spring Time Table

Our Reception Topic Overview for the Spring Term 2

Early Years Progression Map

Talking to Children about Online Safety

Childnet has produced a range of resources for parents and families to help navigate social media and the internet safely. Follow the link here to access the Childnet website:


 Handwriting progression Document 2024-2025.pdfDownload
 RWI handwriting practise in print.pdfDownload
 RWI pre-cursive letter formation .pdfDownload
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