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Bishops Down Primary and Nursery School

Bishops Down Primary and Nursery School
  1. News and Dates
  2. Class News
  3. Year 6

Year 6

In the News

On Friday the 8th of November, we welcomed the Mayor of Tunbridge Wells, Councillor Nancy Warne, into school for a special assembly. The assembly was the launch of the new Rota Kids scheme, with members receiving their officer badges as they were chartered into their new roles. The assembly was also attended by members of the Rotary Club: President; Ian King, District Governor; Brian Davies, Member; Christine Davies and Peter Cornish, the co-ordinator of the recent shoe box appeal our RotaKids members organised and led in school.

 The primary aim of RotaKids is to provide young people aged 12 and under with the opportunities to participate enthusiastically in active citizenship to improve the quality of life for their school, local and    global communities.

We are delighted that the year 6s and one year 5 pupil became the first children to become members of this prestigious school scheme.  During the assembly, the members each made the RotaKids Pledge: “As a RotaKid, I endeavour to be fair to all, to serve my community and to show respect for others.” and were presented with Pledge Certificates and badges

Year 6 Time-Table Spring Term (week 1)

Year 6 Topic Overview Spring Term

Useful Information

A really useful website for parents and children to explore together is Internet Matters. The site provides lots of information regarding staying safe on-line, particularly for children moving on to secondary school. Here's the link to the website.


 Meet the teacher presentation 24 - 25.pptxDownload
 year-6-welcome-letter 1.pdfDownload
 RWI pre-cursive letter formation .pdfDownload
 RWI handwriting practise in print.pdfDownload
 Handwriting progression Document 2024-2025.pdfDownload
 Home Learning Policy 2024.docxDownload
 Walking to and from School Policy 2024.docxDownload
 Secondary School Open Events in 2024 for 2025 Entry.pdfDownload
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