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Bishops Down Primary and Nursery School

Bishops Down Primary and Nursery School
  1. Key Information
  2. School Development Plan

School Development Plan (Summary)

The School Development Plan is a document that is created at the start of each academic year. It is then reviewed through the year, so that it continues to reflect the direction and actions the school is taking to meet its objectives.

At Bishops Down Primary and Nursery school, our aim is to provide excellent teaching and learning opportunities that enable our children to develop as life-long learners who can confidently flourish and thrive in an ever-changing world. 

We are a school that works with and for our local community, aware of our responsibility to promote British Values, and to develop resilient, knowledgeable, kind children who will be able to make a positive contribution to the world that they will inherit.

BD School Development Plan 2025 pdf.pdf